
  • Presale 57% (90 days linear vesting)

  • Team 15% (10% unlocked, then 10% unlocked every quarter): Development- smart contracts, PayBolt payment gateway, mobile app, E-commerce plugins, POS, Staking

R&D- bridging solutions, cross-chain and new chain capabilities, afterpay,

Security- maintaining the highest standard of QA and QC over all PayBolt products. Compliance- making sure PayBolt remains ahead of the legislation and compliance in each

country we operate in, we want to bring crypto payment to every part of the world. Operations- HR, resources, operation costs.

Marketing- marketing to investors, app users, and businesses

  • Ecosystem incentives 20% (10% unlocked, then 10% unlocked every quarter): Rewards to ensure mass adoption and usage of the PayBolt payment ecosystem by all participants.

  • Foundation Treasury 5% (locked for 1 year): Advisors, consultants, and strategic partners.

  • GTE- Exchange liquidity 3% (unlocked): Includes DEXs and CEXs.

Last updated